Friday 30 September 2022

The adventure begins...

Late to bed, early to rise!

It was a crazy night last night! We were pretty much scrambling to get everything ready for the big day. We ended up spending 30 dollars to get all our laundry done, and my mom brought home a MASSIVE pile of laundry

it took almost an hour to fold!

I knew it was going to be an early one the next morning, so I was running around a lot to get all my stuff together. I did eventually get to bed, but it was at 12 in the morning, so I only got 6 hours of sleep

Before I knew it, it was time to get up and set off on our epic adventure! I was pretty much ready to go, I had all my stuff together and everything. However, my mom, who likes to leave things till the last minute, still had some things she needed to grab. Even when she thought she had everything, we were almost at the highway when mom realised she forgot her wallet at home! Even worse, she had already dropped her key at my grandma's place. We had to go all the way back, pick up the key and grab the wallet. After that, we went straight to the ferry! We were worried that we wouldn't make it, as we only had 20 minutes until scheduled boarding time. Luckly, the ferry was delayed, so we were still able to make it with time to spare. Although it was a long, long wait.

A long wait to get on...

Before we knew it, the line started moving and we were finally able to board!

South Island, here we come!

We were almost on the ferry when mom thought it would be a good idea to prank me and ask if I remembered the charger for my electric wheelchair, and I must say, she got me REALLY good on that one! LOL

Here we are!

After about 3 and a half hours of sailing, we were finally arriving in Picton. This had officially marked the start of our south island road trip!

Welcome to the south island!

Tomorrow is set to be an awesome day! We will be taking a kayaking tour around Kaikoura! Hopefully we get to see some dolphins 🐬 and whales 🐋

Stay tuned guys! Tommorows stuff is something you won't want to miss!

Saturday 24 September 2022

A bit about Sylas

About me

My name is Sylas, a 14 year old boy from New Zealand! In a week from now, I will be going to the South Island for the school holidays to take a road trip. 

I'm most looking forward to getting to go skydiving near Mount Cook! Even more exciting, my sister will be joining us for part of the trip. I hope you enjoy following my adventures on this trip!

Final thoughts

Home sweet home! After spending 2 weeks on the road, we are finally back home! To wrap things up on this blog, I need to say thank you to ev...